Workshop Description
Locations: All
Loom and YouTube: Creating and Managing Educational Videos for our Students
Our students are bored of listening to lectures in the same old format and we’re tired of delivering the same instruction over and over again. As technology becomes increasingly accessible, it is becoming easier for anyone to start creating, distributing and managing videos and with it, teachers find themselves with a new opportunity. By creating educational videos, we can enhance our instruction and make it more accessible and engaging for our students.
Presenter Bio
Wajahat Afzal is a Professional Development Facilitator at the Center for Technology and School Change at Teachers College, Columbia University where he is also pursuing a Master’s in Instructional Technology and Media. Wajahat has spent the larger part of his career working with a diverse set of K-12 school in Pakistan while designing and implementing a co-curricular programs on civic and citizenship education. Later, he led a professional development fellowship geared towards communal action by Akhuwat, the world’s largest interest-free microfinance institution for poverty alleviation. Before coming to Teachers College, he was working as a Consultant with the Gates Foundation in researching the state of school improvement and professional development organizations in Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, and Rwanda.