- Arrive on time at 8am for beverages and bites and conversation with colleagues; all Summits begin with coffee, tea and breakfast breads
- Opening Plenary begins sharply at 8:30am – don’t miss getting to hear from the presenters and, as always, our exciting technology giveaways
- Stream 1 workshops begin at 9am
- All workshops are 90 minutes and have hands-on activities built in
- You do not need to bring a device, but if you bring your own (laptop or tablet) you can use it
- There will be open wifi
- Have a working gmail, we will be using many Google strategies together. If you cannot find your password it is worth opening another gmail
- Stream 2 workshops begin at 10:45am
- You do not need to sign up for workshops in advance – all decisions are made day of
- Lunch is provided
- Stream 3 workshops begin at 13:00
- A Reflection session begins at 14:30 – you will be able to go back to a room and presenter and go deeper with questions and discussing adapting your takeaways for your own classroom/campus/community
- Closing Plenary begins at 15:30 – we will wrap up the day, hear some group reflections, and conduct final giveaways. You must be present to win!
- Summit ends at 14:00. Safe travels home. See you next year.