Karen Blumberg has been teaching and coordinating technology since 1996. She is thrilled to be the K-12 Technology Coordinator at The Brearley School in New York City. Previously, she was a technology coordinator at The School at Columbia University working with faculty and students to integrate technology academically, creatively, and responsibly, a technology integrator at Sacred Heart teaching robotics and programming, a math teacher at The Dalton School, and a math teacher for The School District of Philadelphia.
Karen is a proud co-founder and organizer of TEDxNYED, TEDxYouth@TheSchool, EdcampNYC, EdcampMumbai, EdcampBKK, the Robo Expo, and other events. She is also a past president of the New York Consortium of Independent School Technologists (NYCIST). Karen has presented at conferences both domestically and internationally about her work with students and teachers: Navigating social media, crafting digital projects that embrace new media literacies, building a PLN, supporting faculty’s professional growth, and launching a variety of original curricular projects which integrate STEAM.
Among other awards, Karen was recognized by the National Association of Independent Schools as a Teacher of the Future for the 2013-2014 school year. Karen is passionate about photography, traveling, tinkering, bargain shopping, and good eats.
Curation is a 21st Century skill, so let’s learn how to gather evidence of your professional endeavors and classroom projects in a digital portfolio. You’ll learn tips to get started: What to gather? Where to put it? What can be done for free? How to organize? What settings to use? How to link or embed artifacts? How to connect with others? In this workshop you will see how teachers use Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Google+ and others for their own learning. By the end of the session you will have started and/or increased your digital footprint and created your very own digital portfolio approach.